PhysicsLAB Amusing Problems
The Dog-Eared Page

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The big news from Capitol Hill involves Dr. J and his dog Tripod. They have been asked to investigate a rather unusual case. Usually, problems arise from noises made in the Senate. However, this case involves noises being received in the Senate. In particular, they are being received by a certain page named Tony. As a page, Tony is called to do errands by the ringing of a bell. The problem is that Tony often responds when no bell is rung. He claims that a bell of higher pitch is being sounded. When Dr. J asks how often this occurs, Tony replies, "frequently." Dr. J groans and tells himself that he should have node better than to ask. Several Senators want an investigation, claiming that they need to hear everything that is going on. Dr. J agrees to observe Tony and solve the mystery. During the course of the investigation, Dr. J. notices a startling fact-whenever Tony responds to the fantom frequency Tripod does also. This can only mean one thing - Tony the page has ears that respond to frequencies normally receivable only by dogs. This is why he is referred to as the dog-eared page. In order for Tony to keep his job, the source of the perturbing pitch has to be found and destroyed. Dr. J eventually finds the source - a siren having a disk with 150 holes and making 200 revolutions per second.
What is the fantom frequency?

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