Vocabulary for Newton's Laws
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Refer to the following information for the next 24 questions.
Vocabulary. Match the correct term to each statement by placing its letter in the blank.
A. dynamic equilibrium
B. friction
C. unbalanced, outside force
D. freebody diagram
E. 3rd Law
F. kinematics
G. air resistance
H. normal
I. terminal velocity
J. vector
K. resultant
L. dynamics
M. static equilibrium
N. inertia
O. mass
P. sliding
Q. accelerated
R. scalar
S. weight
T. force
U. same
V. newton
W. direction
1. A change in an object's state of motion is caused by a(n) ___.
2. In the metric system, forces are measured in a unit called ____.
3. ___ is the study of the relationships that exist between forces and the motion of objects.
4. ___ is the property of an object which causes it to resist all changes in its state of motion
5. A ___ is an interaction between two objects.
6. An object is ___ when an unbalanced force acts on it.
7. Acceleration of an object varies directly with the applied force and inversely with the ___ of the object.
8. ___ is the measurement of the gravitational force action on an object.
9. Static friction is greater than ___ friction.
10. A ___ is the sum of two or more vectors.
11. An object moving at a constant velocity is in a state of ___.
12. An object at rest is in a state of ___.
13. The force of friction depends on the types of surfaces in contact and the net force ___ pressing the two surfaces together.
14. The amount of ___ a projectile encounters depends on the projectile's velocity and surface area.
15. Mass and speed are examples of ___ quantities.
16. Acceleration and force are examples of ___ quantities.
17. ___ is a force that opposes motion.
18. Although ___ forces have the same magnitude and act in opposite directions, they cannot cancel each other since they act on different objects.
19. When the air resistance a projectile encounters as it is falling equals its weight, it reaches ___.
20. A graphical technique used to illustrate all of the forces acting on an object.
21. Objects are accelerating if there is either a change in their rate of motion, that is, their speed, or if there is a change in their ____ of motion.
22. ___ is the study of motion without regard to forces.
23. 2nd law forces are forces which act on the ____ object.
24. In freefall, the only force acting on an object is the pull of gravity. This force is measured quantitatively by the object's ____.
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Catharine H. Colwell
All rights reserved.
Application Programmer
Mark Acton