net F = ma
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1. Which of the following objects has the greatest inertia?
a 2-kg mass moving at a constant velocity of 100 m/s, E
a 4-kg mass moving at a constant velocity of 2 m/s, E
a 2-kg mass moving at a constant velocity of 20 m/s, E
a 6-kg mass at rest
Explain why you made your choice.
2. Which object could be moving with constant velocity along a straight line path if the only forces acting on it are those shown in each diagram?
Explain why you made your choice.
3. A certain force
gives a mass
an acceleration of
. The same force
would therefore give a mass of
an acceleration of ____.
Explain why you made your choice.
4. A certain force
gives a mass
an acceleration of
. A force of
would therefore give a mass of
an acceleration of ____ .
Explain why you made your choice.
5. Which of the following objects is more massive?
A force F of 100 N pulls to the right causing this mass to accelerate at 25 m/sec
to the right
A force F of 50 N pulling to the right causes this object to accelerate to the right at 10 m/sec
Explain why you made your choice.
6. What is the magnitude (size) of the missing force in the figure diagrammed below?
10 N
20 N
30 N
40 N
Explain why you made your choice.
7. What is the magnitude (size) of the missing force in the figure diagrammed below?
10 N
14 N
20 N
30 N
Explain why you made your choice.
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Copyright © 1997-2025
Catharine H. Colwell
All rights reserved.
Application Programmer
Mark Acton