PhysicsLAB Worksheet
net F = ma

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1. Which of the following objects has the greatest inertia?

Explain why you made your choice. 

2. Which object could be moving with constant velocity along a straight line path if the only forces acting on it are those shown in each diagram?
Explain why you made your choice. 

3. A certain force F gives a mass M an acceleration of a. The same force F would therefore give a mass of 2M an acceleration of ____.
Explain why you made your choice. 

4. A certain force F gives a mass M an acceleration of a. A force of 6F would therefore give a mass of 2M an acceleration of ____ .
Explain why you made your choice. 

5. Which of the following objects is more massive?

Explain why you made your choice. 

6. What is the magnitude (size) of the missing force in the figure diagrammed below?
Explain why you made your choice. 

7. What is the magnitude (size) of the missing force in the figure diagrammed below?
Explain why you made your choice. 

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