PhysicsLAB Worksheet
Dimensional Analysis

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Refer to the following information for the next twelve questions.

Using the dimension notation [L], [M], [T], give the dimension of each of the following variables.
t for time 

m for mass 

d for distance 

s for displacement 

v for velocity 

a for acceleration 

V for volume 

D for density 

F for force 

P for pressure 

W for work 

E for energy 

Refer to the following information for the next six questions.

State whether each of the following formulas is dimensionally consistent.
E = mv2
F/m = a
vf = as
W = P/V
P = FA
s = v/t
Refer to the following information for the next question.

Use dimensional analysis to determine the value for k in the following formula.
T2 = 4 p 2 (m/k) 

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