AP Free Response Question
2005 C1 E&M
Consider the electric field diagram below.
(a) Points A, B, and C are all located at y = 0.06 m
i. At which of these three points is the magnitude of the electric field the greatest? Justify your answer.
ii. At which of these three points is the electric potential the greatest? Justify your answer.
(b) An electron is released from rest at point B.
i. Qualitatively describe the electron’s motion in terms of direction, speed, and acceleration.
ii. Calculate the electron’s speed after it has moved through a potential difference of 10 V.
Points B and C are separated by a potential difference of 20 V.
(c) Estimate the magnitude of the electric field midway between them and state any assumptions that you make
(d) On the diagram, draw an equipotential line that passes through point D and intersects at least three electric field lines.
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