Purpose To let each student become familiar with measuring with a triple beam balance and to develop critical thinking skills. Secondly, to introduce student to a technique of data analysis using linear regression.
Measuring Masses
Each group of two will receive 10 envelopes containing identical index cards. NOTE: If there are not enough balances, one group at a time should measure their envelopes. It ought to not take more than 5-8 minutes get the 10 mass measures. After each group is through with the balance, they can return to their own computer/lab station to complete their analysis and let a second group use the balance. After zeroing your triple beam balance, measure the mass of each of the 10 envelopes. In the table below, record the number of cards identified as being in each envelope and the sealed envelope's mass. Do NOT open any of your envelopes. Two envelopes will be identified only by letters. Measure and record their masses and then place their values in the last two rows of the data chart.
# or letter
Mass (g)
Analysis. EXCEL will now graph your data. To reach the template, open the physics shared drive using the icon on your desktop. Locate your period's folder and open the template 1-mass.xls. You will most likely be asked to open the file as "read only" - that is fine. As soon as the file is open, use File Save As to rename the file as QuantizedMass-LastnameLastname.xls in your period's folder. This copy of the file now belongs uniquely to your group. Remember that there are to be no spaces in the file name. |