- The formula used to calculate the number of remaining undecayed atomsN after a period of time t:
N = ( ½ n) No
where n is the ratio of the time passed to the length of one half-life = t / T½, and
No represents the original number of nuclei present in the sample.
In the above formula, you must know the half-life which may be measured in any length of time as long as
t is also measured
in the same units. Using the graph shown above, the half-life is approaximately 2.6 seconds since at that moment there are 100 undecayed nuclei still remaining of the original 200.
- The formula used to calculate the number of remaining undecayed atoms if you are given the decay constant, λ and amount of time is
N = No e - λt
where λ is the decay constant which can have units of "per second," "per hour," or "per year"
as long as time t has the same time measurment.