PhysicsLAB CP Workbook

Aunt Minnie gives you $10 per second for 4 seconds.
How much money do you have after 4 seconds? 

A ball dropped from rest picks up speed at 10 m/sec per second. After it falls for 4 seconds, how fast is it going? 

You have $20, and Uncle Harry gives you $10 each second for 3 seconds. How much money do you have after 3 seconds? 

A ball is thrown straight down with an initial speed of 20 m/sec. After 3 seconds, how fast is it going? 

You have $50 and you pay Aunt Minnie $10/second. When will your money run out? 

Refer to the following information for the next five questions.

You shoot an arrow straight up at 50 m/sec.
When will it run out of speed? 

Speed is one thing; distance another. Where is the arrow you shot up at 50 m/sec when it runs out of speed? 

What will its speed be 6 seconds after you shoot it? 

What will its speed be 7 seconds after you shoot it? 

How high above the ground will the arrow be 7 seconds after being shot up at 50 m/sec? 

Refer to the following information for the next four questions.

Aunt Minnie drops a penny into a wishing well and it falls for 3 seconds before hitting the water.
How fast is it going when it hits? 

What is the penny's average speed during its 3-second drop? 

How far down is the water surface? 

Aunt Minnie didn't get her wish, so she goes to a deeper wishing well and throws a penny straight down into it at 10 m/s. How far does this penny go in 3 seconds? 

Paul G. Hewitt
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