PhysicsLAB Worksheet
Horizontally Released Projectiles #1

Refer to the following information for the next five questions.

To start this problem, construct an  H | V Chart and list your givens. Complete each calculation under the appropriate column. Do your work neatly and box in each answer with its appropriate unit of measurement.
A softball rolls off a 95-centimeter tall table. It strikes the floor 80 centimeters from the base of the table.
1. What information belongs in each column? 

2. How much time does it spend in the air? (Find t in the vertical column.) 

3. How fast did it roll off the table? (Find vH in the horizontal column.) 

4. How fast was it traveling vertically when it hit the floor? (Find vf in the vertical column.) 

5. What was its impact speed when it impacted the floor? This is asking you to calculate vR, the resultant velocity. 

Refer to the following information for the next five questions.

To start this problem, construct an  H | V Chart and list your givens. Complete each calculation under the appropriate column. Do your work neatly and box in each answer with its appropriate unit of measurement.
A student tosses a coin into the pool of a nearby fountain. The coin travels 5 meters forward while taking 1 second before it impacts the water.
6. What information belongs in each column? 

7. How fast was the coin released horizontally through the air? (Find vH in the horizontal column.) 

8. How high above the top of the fountain's pool did the student release the coin? (Find s in the vertical column.) 

9. How fast was the coin falling vertically just before it struck the water? (Find vf in the vertical column.) 

10. What was the coin's impact speed, resultant velocity, when it initially entered the water? (Find vR the resultant velocity.) 

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