The data shown to the right was procured using a light probe and a flickering candle in a completely darkened room. The x-axis has no relevance except to indicate that the data was collected within 60 seconds. The y-axis represents the number of lumens/m2, or lux, that illuminated the probe's surface area.
The "plateaus" represent unique distances, or stations, at which the probe was positioned during the procurement of data. The distances are given in the data table shown below.
You first task is to determine an "average" value for the number of lux at each station. You will probably need to print the graph and then interpolate the heights of each plateau since they do not "exactly line up" with the grid lines provided. Then you will graphically analyze the relationship between the magnitudes of the illumination and the distance from the light source. You may use a graphing program, such as EXCEL, or you can graph your data by hand on graph paper.