Practice Problems
Assorted Resonance
On this worksheet you will be investigating examples of resonance.
Question 1
What is the wave speed of a wave traveling through a long spring if its frequency is 8 Hz and its wavelength is 2.1 m.
3.81 m/sec
0.26 m/sec
16.8 m/sec
10.1 m/sec
Question 2
Given that the spring in
Question 1
does not change, what would be the wave's new wavelength if the frequency of oscillation were to be doubled?
1.05 meters
8.4 meters
2.10 meters
4.20 meters
Question 3
A string vibrates at 284 Hz with a wavelength of 2.1 meters. If the wavelength is shortened by 0.525 meters, what is its new frequency?
541 Hz
379 Hz
213 Hz
1136 Hz
Question 4
A fundamental fixed-fixed standing wave is generated along a 0.8-meter string when its frequency is 284 Hz. What would be the frequency of a 3rd harmonic wave generated along this same string?
95 Hz
454 Hz
852 Hz
426 Hz
Question 5
The speed of sound inside a 0.36-meter long open-closed tube (fixed-free) is 343.6 m/sec.What are its first three resonate frequencies?
477 Hz, 954 Hz, 1432 Hz
477 Hz, 1432 Hz, 2386 Hz
239 Hz, 477 Hz, 716 Hz
239 Hz, 716 Hz, 1193 Hz
Question 6
If the tube in
Question 5
was now opened on both ends (free-free), what would be its new first three resonate frequencies?
477 Hz, 1432 Hz, 2386 Hz
239 Hz, 477 Hz, 716 Hz
239 Hz, 716 Hz, 1193 Hz
477 Hz, 954 Hz, 1432 Hz
Question 7
The lowest frequency that a conch shell is able to produce is 477 Hz, if the resonating dimension is 0.18 meters and the wave speed is 343.6 m/s, what type of standing wave is being created?
cannot be determined
Question 8
What is the speed of sound in a chamber (fixed-free) that is 2.1 meters deep if sound is resonating at 284 Hz?
149 m/sec
447 m/sec
596 m/sec
298 m/sec
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William A. Hilburn
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Mark Acton