On December 5, 2019, the North Caroloina Department of Information released its new website,
https://www.dpi.nc.gov. Consequently, most of the original PDFs used to create the
interactive worksheets hosted in PhysicsLAB can no longer be located. However, through the links listed below students can still get immediate feedback of their knowledge by submitting a question's answer online and then checking to see if their response is correct.
[accessed 10 June 2017]
The North Carolina End-of-Course Tests are used to sample a student’s knowledge of subject-related concepts as specified in the North Carolina Standard Course of Study and to provide a global estimate of the student’s mastery of the material in a particular content area. The North Carolina End-of-Course tests were initiated in response to legislation passed by the North Carolina General [Assembly – the North Carolina Elementary and Secondary Reform Act of 1984.
Effective during the 2009–10 school year, Senate Bill 202/S.L. 2009-451 eliminated funding for most state-administered tests not currently required by federal law or as a condition of federal grants. As a response to this legislation, the North Carolina Testing Program immediately suspended all activities related to the administration of an EOC exam specifically for physics.
"In 2011, the State Board of Education voted to require a annual evaluation for every teacher in North Carolina. The North Carolina Final Exams (NCFE) are considered standarized artifacts reflective of student growth for teachers and and school growth for participants in the teacher evaluation process. Additionally, SBE policy GCS-A-016 requires public schools to use the course-specific operational assessments as the only final exams for specific courses and to use the results from all course-specific operational assessments as a minimum of twenty percent (20%) of the student's final grade for each respective course. The 2nd edition of House Bill 90, if passed during the 2017-2018 Session, would eliminate the use of the NCFE and analysis of student work to assess teacher performance and professional grown as part of the North Carolina Teacher Evaluation System."
The first physics final exam was administered in April 2013.
The Test Specificatons for the 2019-2020 Physics Test can be found on the new DPI website at https://www.dpi.nc.gov/documents/ncfes-earth-and-environmental-science-physical-science-physics-and-chemistry-test-specifications
The essential standards for physics can be accessed here. Other sciences requiring the administration of a common final exam are earth and environmental science, physical science, and chemistry.