Practice Problems
Random Number Drills
Directions on how to Complete
Random Number Drills
The numerical values in these worksheets are randomly generated so as to allow students an opportunity to conveniently practice, and drill, common physical situations.
Before beginning any given worksheet, please look over all of the questions and make sure that there are
no duplicate
answers shown for the same question. If duplicates are present simply refresh the page until every answer is unique.
In order to check an answer
(even when you are just starting the worksheet on Question 1)
it is
absolutely necessary
any questions that you have yet to answer. If this is not done, you will receive an error message and the page will no longer be available.
However, once you start submitting answers, the page may be checked as many times as necesasary without the randomized answers being changed. Remember to uncheck each
omit button
as you proceed through the questions. Relevant scoring will be provided at the top of the page only when you answer all of the questions on your original submission.
Atomic and Nuclear
Absorption and Emission Spectra
Double Slit Energy Levels
Basic Math Skills
Fundamental Math
Working with Linear Graphs
Circular Motion
Basic Definitions
Uniform Circular Motion
DC Circuits
Sample DC Network
Resistors and Capacitors
Net F = ma
Normal Forces
Impulse vs Work
Normal Forces Advanced
Basic Electrostatics
Coulomb's Law
Electric Fields
Parallel Plates
Energy and Work
Five Hills, Conservation of Energy
Energy and Work
Hydrostatics #2
Mixed Fluids
Gravitational Fields and Forces
Heat Transfer Methods
Phase Diagrams
Thermal Expansion
Ideal Gases and Thermodynamics
Ideal Gas Law
Heat Cycle
Confined Gases
Uniformly Accelerated Motion (non-freefall)
Calculus - Kinematics Functions
Freely Falling Bodies: Vertically Released
Freely Falling Bodies: Vertically Released (Advanced)
Freely Falling Bodies: Horizontally Released
Freely Falling Bodies: Released at an Angle from Ground Level
Freely Falling Bodies: Mixed Two-Dimensional Release
Kinematics Graphs
Constant Velocity: Position-Time Graphs #1
Constant Velocity: Position-Time Graphs #2
Constant Velocity: Velocity-Time Graphs #1
Constant Velocity: Velocity-Time Graphs #2
Uniform Acceleration: SVA Graphs
Geometric Optics
Basic Refraction Problems
Sample Refraction Problems
Internal Reflection Problems
Thin Lens Equation
Conservation of Momentum
Momentum and Energy
Impulse vs Work
Oscillatory - Simple Pendulums
Frequency and Period #1
Frequency and Period #2
Physical Optics
Colored Lights
Double Slit Interference
Single Slit Diffraction
Thin Film Interference Glass Coatings
Thin Film Interference Soap Bubbles
Assorted Resonance
Vibrating Strings
Special Relativity
Dilation Equations
Basic Spring Systems
Rotational Kinematics
Torque, Pulleys, and Rotational Motion
Angular Momentum
Vectors vs Scalars
Description of Motion - Scalar vs Vector Quantities
Distance, Displacement, Speed, Velocity, Acceleration
Vectors and Scalars (Honors)
Vector Properties
Adding Parallel, Anti-parallel, and Orthogonal Vectors
Vector Resultants (Advanced)
Scalar Dot Product of Two Vectors
Vector Cross Product of Two Vectors
Wave Fundamentals
Vibration Graphs and Period
Basic Properties of Sound
Doppler Effect
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Catharine H. Colwell
All rights reserved.